Wednesday, November 05, 2008

God Bless America

I'm thrilled that Obama has won the election. We all thought he was pretty
much a shoo-in, but we've all been disappointed before. Nothing would
surprise me.

It's a victory for "our side" obviously, but I think it's much more than
that. Unlike the Republicans, winning an election isn't just about
"winning" for us. It's about much more than that. Right now, in this
particular election, I think it's about Americans standing up and saying,
"THIS is who we are". We are not George W. Bush, Dick Cheney or John
McCain, and we sure as hell are not Sarah Palin. It's about putting an end
to the corruption and backwards-thinking of the last 8 years. It's about
taking a step towards progress, moving forward rather than backwards. It's
about rejecting racism and narrow-minded partisan bullshit and just saying,
"THIS is the guy. He's the guy we want, and he's the guy we need". It's
about cutting through the crap and getting down to it. This is not politics
as usual. This is America saying, "fuck all this nonsense. For once let's
vote for someone we can actually BELIEVE in." And I think that's, for lack
of a better term, pretty fucking awesome.

And I think it was inevitable. Sooner or later, people were FINALLY going
to wise up and vote for the right person. Obama was just the right guy, and
people saw that. They saw that he is the anti-Bush, the complete opposite
of what we've had for most of this decade. And they chose to vote for that.
They chose the smartest person in the race, rather than the person who
picked the dumbest for his running mate. And for once, they chose to vote
in their own best interests rather than succumb to fear-mongering and hate
speech. My only question is why it took so damn long!

I did think McCain's speech was classy, as far as it went. The yahoos in
the crowd weren't quite so classy, not surprisingly. But at least he
acknowledged that he wasn't America's choice. He was gracious about it. I
still remember in '92, when Clinton beat George Bush Sr., Bush gave the
worst speech I've ever heard in my life. He literally said that "America
made a mistake" and shook his head as if scolding a naughty child. I
thought he was the biggest asshole I'd ever seen at that point in time
(until his son came along, that is). McCain at least didn't pull that kind
of shit. Good for him. And I'm glad they didn't let Palin open her stupid
yap! That would have spoiled everything. But he came off as more of a human
being than I've ever seen him.

Barack has the weight of the world on his shoulders now, but if he runs his
presidency anything like the way he ran his campaign, we only have better
days ahead.
blog entry created & published entirely from the Treo 700p.


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2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:35 AM  

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